Thanks for sharing so vulnerably.. Fascinating how pain manifests in certain areas of the body. Since I started meditating more often and "expanding my consciousness", I have this pain and tensio in my solar plexus often (mostly in new social situations), which makes sense because I cannot always fully stand up for myself and had problems with confidence and assertiveness. Hope it gets better as I dig deeper into my fears and can let go of conditioned fearful patterns.

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Thanks, Tobias! Yes it’s fascinating how the symbolism shows up in the physical body when you examine it closely enough. Sorry to hear about the pain in your solar plexus. But it’s so great that you have awareness, that’s the biggest victory, because that’s when things really start to shift!

You may be interested in learning more about the chakra systems and how they relate to emotions. I’ll write a bit about it in next post. It could prove useful. Wishing you the best on your journey of expansion and healing! 💙

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Yes, already know and read books about them. Need to learn more about the meridian system and how it relates to the different parts of our being.

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Nice! Love that you’re already there 😁💪

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Thank you for the encouraging words, it truly feels like you are a "healer".

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Mar 12Liked by Jeremy Dela Rosa

"it’s just something that happens”. --> it's. never. just. something. that. happens.

say it louder to the people in the back!

Every disease is unique to the individual's circumstance. It can manifest into different things based on our responses. You only realised it in hindsight, that you drew a similarity with your stabbing pain. that's very common for people reflecting on their healing journey that some aspects of their di-eases hold symbolic meanings.

It's also good that functional medicine grows popularity in western medicines nowadays, with MDs and Drs share their content online. (I notice we've got a similarity in SEAsian heritage) The concept that was common as part of healing in the olden days, including breathwork, meditation, or prayers (faith/beliefs used to get discarded by the trend of the cold, hard scientific truths), are now being reintegrated. We see people with doctoral or medicines titles in their names now preach about the impact of cortisol, which is caused by stress, towards our body systems.

Hope it's a good sign to shift away from "assembly line" healing modalities, like you mentioned with the doctor who just didnt have time to investigate the miracle. I tend to believe that the doctors or their superiors would want to take a look at your father's case, because they're human beings, too, their emotional side may get swayed. But the rigid, assembly line-like procedures don't allow them to spend time and effort to investigate :( Sad but true

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Assembly line is such a good way of describing it. Yeah I totally agree, it’s not like the people don’t care or have some nefarious agenda, they’re primarily constrained and influenced by the systems and beliefs that shape the environment.

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The body is not only connected to the mind, it is a manifestation of the mind (consciousness)!

Good piece and thanks for the mention!

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Yes! It’s such a deep truth. I’m trying to figure out the intricate path to bridge it between the ‘classical Newtonian physics’ world we’re so accustomed to.

Happy to recommend your work, it’s fantastic! Thank you, Scott! 🙏

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