Woah - I had a very deep "pain" in my solar plexus area also since around 2-3 years. Since then, I also did the same work like you do (also "because" of this pain, and it has changed me in so many good and powerful ways. I truly understand what you are saying, and I am astonished how "similar" are paths sometimes are.

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Thank you for sharing Tobias, I know that is not an easy situation to deal with. I hope it’s been improving greatly for you! You’ve been doing incredible work. I’m glad it’s helped you change your life positively, as my pain has for me. :)

Yeah, it’s super fascinating how much our journeys mirror! I have a hunch it may be similar for others too. 🤔 We’re not alone! 😁

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Yes I agree, many others are going through very similar stuff😁 A lot of awakenings and insights happening and bubbling up everywhere

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