Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by Jeremy Dela Rosa

You're right. Tita Chelet's laugh was one of the purest expressions of joy I've ever heard. I think that's because she didn't just laugh; she tossed her head back, slapped her hand on someone's shoulder, squinched her body as she recoiled after opening up to breathe. Tita Chelet welcomed positive energy from others, enabled joy to permeate her own body, and spewed it right back out so that it proliferated everyone around her. I think that experience is what it means to live and give life to others.

When you think of plot points, Tita Chelet could be seen as a supportive helper, an open listener a gracious giver. And those are all true roles. But when I think of what she embodied, I think of the way she took in the world. It was wholly and unfiltered. Just like how we all remember her laughing with her entire being. That's what I think represents the way she connected with all of us, the way she radiated love.

It reminds me of this quote: "I did not come to teach you. I came to love you. Love will teach you."

I think by modeling love in its purest form, we were gifted lessons from Tita Chelet.

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Jan 6Liked by Jeremy Dela Rosa

what a beautiful post, thank you for sharing such a personal reflection. i wish i had the opportunity to meet tita chalet, but know that her legacy lives on in the people that she loves. offering a poem along with my condolences:

"The grief of time passing, of life moving on half-finished, of empty spaces that were once bursting with the laughter and energy of people we loved. As long as there is love there will be grief because grief is love's natural continuation. It shows up in the aisles of stores we once frequented, in the whiff of cologne we get two years after they've been gone. Grief is a giant neon sign, protruding through everything, pointing everywhere, broadcasting loudly, "LOVE WAS HERE". In the finer print, quietly, "LOVE STILL IS." - Heidi Priebe

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Sending love to you and your family!

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