Mar 26Liked by Jeremy Dela Rosa

It was quick for my taste buds to recognise the artificial taste of foods after only a fortnight of eating whole foods in keto diet. Afterwards, I ate slices of humanmade sweet foods only out of courtesy, for example, if someone baked something for me. Else, even dates or maple syrup don't taste great anymore. I slowly introduce bananas to my diet, otherwise I might unintentionally skip fruits, which are great in fibre and vitamins. Thank you for sharing your lessons and spreading the word so that more readers who haven't yet benefited from the beautiful practical elements of dieta will do.

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I gave up alcohol four years ago, and sugar six months ago. My body still craves these things, but I have stayed firm. Dieta seems to cover a lot of bases, including addiction. Kudos and good times to you in the loo!

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Thank you for sharing all your insights, I have to try this too! Point 6 had me laughin😂..

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Mar 25Liked by Jeremy Dela Rosa

You're amazing! I've personally never taken charge of my diet like this, and your report is very inspiring. 🙏

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well done brother, happy to see how you take care of your temple :) Keep it up! Much love, Lukas

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